Roshna S H

Dr. Roshna S H is a scientist by profession with more than five years of teaching experience at graduate and postgraduate levels. She has obtained a Ph.D. from IIT Madras after M.Sc., M. Phil in Physics. She has also cleared CSIR-NET and GATE with top ranks. She is a constant content creator through publications in peer-reviewed international journals and by writing concept based blog articles. She has research experiences in diverse areas spans from atmospheric science to optics as well as spintronics and magnetism. She has obtained awards and recognitions at various international platforms for her contributions as scientific articles and oral presentations. Dr. Roshna completed her Ph.D. with exposure at American physical society, Material research society, University of Oxford, etc. She focuses on communicating the concepts with utmost clarity in the simplest possible way.

Spin-orbit Coupling: The Dance of mini magnets

Referring to spin-orbit coupling as the “dance of mini magnets” is a metaphorical way to capture the essence of this quantum phenomenon. Let’s break down the comparison: By combining these elements, the metaphor “dance of mini magnets” paints a vivid picture of the lively and magnetic interplay between the spin and orbital motion of electrons …

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homo deus

Homo Deus: A Thought-Provoking Journey into the Future of Humanity

Introduction: In Yuval Noah Harari’s captivating exploration, “Homo Deus,” readers embark on a profound journey. It transcends the boundaries of history and hunts through the speculative realm of the future. Harari, renowned for his insightful narratives in “Sapiens,” takes a keen-eyed approach to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the next phase of …

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Unmasking the Nostalgia Trap in Personal Growth

Unmasking the Nostalgia Trap in Personal Growth

Nostalgia, with its captivating allure, uniquely casts the tapestry of the past in warm, rose-colored hues, igniting a profound, sentimental yearning for days long gone. However, this sentiment, though seemingly benign, can subtly evolve into a “nostalgia trap” in personal growth of individuals by anchoring them to an idealized version of history. In this article, …

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Python Foundations-15: Essential Calculus concepts for Machine Learning

Welcome back to our Python Foundation for machine learning series! Today, let’s dive into five fundamental calculus concepts with practical applications in machine learning, demystified for smoother understanding. 1. Derivatives for Gradient Descent Derivatives, a cornerstone of calculus, play a pivotal role in machine learning for optimizing models through gradient descent. By calculating the derivative …

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Python Foundations-14: Advanced Applications of Calculus in Machine Learning

Welcome back to the Python Foundation for machine learning series! In the thirteenth installment, we explore the realm of calculus, focusing its fundamental concepts in the context of applications of calculus in machine learning. Calculus, as we discovered, plays a crucial role in understanding and developing machine learning algorithms. It provides the mathematical framework necessary …

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Python Foundations-13: Basic Calculus for Machine Learning

Welcome back to the Python Foundation for machine learning series! In the thirteenth installment, we dive into the realm of calculus and explore its fundamental concepts in the context of machine learning. Calculus plays a crucial role in understanding and developing machine learning algorithms, providing the mathematical framework necessary for optimizing models, training neural networks, …

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Python Foundations-12: Hands-On with Advanced Techniques in Linear algebra for Machine Learning

Linear algebra serves as the cornerstone of numerous machine learning algorithms. In this article, we’ll explore six advanced concepts, providing not just explanations but hands-on with advanced techniques in linear algebra using Python code for each. Buckle up as we dive into these powerful linear algebra techniques that will elevate your machine learning skills. If …

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Python Foundations-11: Advanced Linear Algebra Concepts for Machine Learning

Welcome back to our ongoing exploration of Python foundations for machine learning! In our previous articles on linear algebra for machine learning, we delved into fundamental concepts like vector operations, matrix manipulations, and eigenvalues. In this installment, we will tackle more advanced linear algebra concepts to enhance your grasp of these crucial principles and further …

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Python Foundations-10: Mastering Linear Algebra for Machine Learning

Welcome back to the continuation of our exploration of Linear Algebra for Machine Learning! In the previous articles, we covered fundamental concepts such as vector addition/subtraction, matrix multiplication, matrix transpose, eigenvalues, singular value decomposition, linear equations and so on. Now, let’s dive into a set of new problems to reinforce and expand our understanding of …

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Python Foundations-9: Elevating Linear Algebra for Machine Learning

Welcome back to our ongoing journey through Python Foundations for Machine Learning! In the previous article, we explored the basics of Linear Algebra, focusing on vector addition, matrix multiplication, eigenvalues, singular value decomposition, and linear equations. In this article, we’ll continue our exploration with a set of new problems to further solidify your grasp of …

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