Roshna S H

Dr. Roshna S H is a scientist by profession with more than five years of teaching experience at graduate and postgraduate levels. She has obtained a Ph.D. from IIT Madras after M.Sc., M. Phil in Physics. She has also cleared CSIR-NET and GATE with top ranks. She is a constant content creator through publications in peer-reviewed international journals and by writing concept based blog articles. She has research experiences in diverse areas spans from atmospheric science to optics as well as spintronics and magnetism. She has obtained awards and recognitions at various international platforms for her contributions as scientific articles and oral presentations. Dr. Roshna completed her Ph.D. with exposure at American physical society, Material research society, University of Oxford, etc. She focuses on communicating the concepts with utmost clarity in the simplest possible way.


Fundamental Concepts of Spin-Orbit torque based Magnetic RAM

Spin orbit torque based magnetic random access memory (SOT-MRAM) are non-volatile memory devices which make use of spin based transport electronics named as spintronics. In such devices, capacitors in conventional memory devices are replaced by a trilayer structure called magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). As spin is non-volatile, it overcomes the charge leakage associated with conventional …

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Rethink Rejection and Overcome Fear of Rejection: Book Review of Rejection Proof

The book titled “Rejection Proof” is written by Jia Jiang. The author had great entrepreneurial aspirations but got stuck to achieve his dreams by the fear of rejection. The author decided to overcome the fear of rejection and in order to achieve it, he designed a plan to take up a challenge he named “100 …

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Statistical Testing Methods in Machine Learning

Statistical testing methods are used in machine learning to ensure that a finding is statistically significant. Hypothesis testing most commonly termed statistical testing evaluates two mutually exclusive statements about a population and determines which among the two statements best describe the experimental/sample data. Hypothesis testing is a statistical method to determine whether two samples have …

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Large Language Models in Deep Learning

Large language models (LLM) are general purpose language models in deep learning. The foremost word “Large” in LLM indicates a large training dataset which is often in the petabyte scale with an enormous number of parameters. General purpose means the models are capable of handling common problems in our day today life. The BERT model …

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Machine Learning Interview Questions (Part-8)

We have published seven modules of interview questions in machine learning and answers so far on this website. This is yet another addition to the series of discussion on frequently asked questions in machine learning job roles. Whether stochastic gradient descent or gradient descent is computationally complex? Gradient descent is computationally complex. After identifying a …

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Recognising Songs of Endangered Bird Species from Kerala using Deep Learning Techniques

Overview Birds are an incredibly diverse group of animals found all over the Earth. With over 10,000 known species, they come in all shapes, sizes, and colours, and they play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems around the world. One of the most important roles that birds play is that of …

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