Sajil C. K.

I am an inquisitive person with interests falling at the intersection of mathematics, programming, and research. I like to understand concepts to the core by building things from scratch.

Sine Function in TinyML

Approximating Sine Function in TinyML

Introduction TinyML is the field which involves deployment of machine learning models into resource constrained devices such as micro-controllers. Such devices called edge devices often have few Kilobytes of RAM and flash memory but consumes power in milli-watts range. This feature makes the technology anĀ  ideal choice for remote sensing applications, weather stations, tiny gadgets …

Approximating Sine Function in TinyML Read More »

A Simple Data Visualization Web App Using Streamlit Library

The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolves around the integration of sensors with compact computing devices like Arduino boards. This fusion enables a multitude of applications, ranging from surveillance monitoring to automated door locking and smart farming. A pivotal component of IoT systems is the dashboard, which serves as a hub for visualizing …

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