Roshna S H

Dr. Roshna S H is a scientist by profession with more than five years of teaching experience at graduate and postgraduate levels. She has obtained a Ph.D. from IIT Madras after M.Sc., M. Phil in Physics. She has also cleared CSIR-NET and GATE with top ranks. She is a constant content creator through publications in peer-reviewed international journals and by writing concept based blog articles. She has research experiences in diverse areas spans from atmospheric science to optics as well as spintronics and magnetism. She has obtained awards and recognitions at various international platforms for her contributions as scientific articles and oral presentations. Dr. Roshna completed her Ph.D. with exposure at American physical society, Material research society, University of Oxford, etc. She focuses on communicating the concepts with utmost clarity in the simplest possible way.

Nanofabrication of MRAM

Nanofabrication deals with the fabrication of materials and structures at nanoscale. The essential requirements of a nanofabrication are a clean room which is devoid of particles and contaminations and also a specially designed equipment facility for thin film deposition, patterning and etching. We are all familiar with integrated chips (ICs). ICs are manufactured through nanofabrication …

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Spin Transfer Torque based Magnetic Memory Devices

Dream for a computer storage device which performs as fast as static RAM (SRAM), delivers the cost effectiveness of dynamic RAM (DRAM), promises the non-volatility of flash memory, combined with added benefits of longevity, denser storage, durability and stability. Let’s discuss whether spin transfer torque based Random access Memory (STT-RAM) devices can help to realize …

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Magnetic Refrigeration Technology

Why does it need to look for an alternate cooling technology? Cooling appliances based on thermodynamic cycle till 1995 used to produce many toxic components Chloroflurocarbon CFC), Hydrochloroflurocarbon (HCFC), potent greenhouse gases (GHG) and other ozone depleting substances (ODC). After gradual prohibition of such gases, the cooling appliances till date producing HFCs which have no …

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Sugar Cube Falling

A World of small things: Introduction to Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology deals with the science of building small, but why do we talk about such small things? Well, they ultimately constitute the world we live in and we can explore fascinating things with them, literally, it can shape the world around us. Properties of materials change due to quantum effects when they are made small, …

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