Computational Biology

Set of articles in the field of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Bivariate Gaussian Distribution

Hacking the Bivariate Gaussian Distribution

In one of our earlier posts, we have seen how we can visually relate the parts of the one-dimensional Gaussian distribution equation. In this post, we will follow the same strategy to understand the terms that comes up with a Multivariable Gaussian distribution. We will focus on the Bivariate Gaussian distribution as distributions of higher-order …

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Normal distribution visual explanation

Gaussian Distribution Explained Visually

Gaussian distribution appears in various parts of science and engineering. Apart from a distribution often appear in nature, it has got important properties such as its relation to Central Limit Theorem (CLT). The figure above shows one-dimensional Gaussian distributions of various mean and variance values. Libraries like NumPy provide functions that can return Gaussian distribution …

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Coding a Simple Markov Decision Process

A Markov Decision Process (MDP) is a mathematical framework used to model decision-making situations where the outcome of a decision depends on both the current state of the system and the actions taken by the decision maker. In an MDP, the decision maker is represented as an agent, and the system is represented as a …

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discount factor dynamics

Discount Factor in Reinforcement Learning

This article shows two key visual intuitions behind the usage of a discount factor in reinforcement learning with image, code, and video. Introduction Most of the advances in science and technology happened in the last 100 years. We can see mind-boggling progress in automotive, medicine, communication, energy, etc. . Among these advances, some technologies shake …

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Automated PDF creation with Python and Latex

LaTeX Tutorial

This tutorial is on the typesetting language called LaTeX. LaTeX is useful when it comes to creating complex documents like thesis, project reports, research articles, etc. We will see the basic use-cases in around 22 examples. LaTeX Installation Instructions Windows In Windows, you need to install two programs called MiKTeX and TeXstudio. Please be careful to install …

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