Reinforcement Learning


Nine key papers in Distributional Reinforcement Learning Literature

In this post, I am going to give a summary of nine key papers from the distributional reinforcement learning (DRL) area. Paper 001 : A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning  This is the seminal paper in this area. The key idea of  the paper is the argument that the value distribution is important in reinforcement …

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distributional reinforcement learning

Summary of research paper “A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning”

Overview In this note about distributional reinforcement learning, I am going to reflect on the paper titled A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning. I will try to give an overview of the underlying ideas behind this paper. Please keep in mind that a research contribution is often a culmination of multiple ideas/components. This makes from …

Summary of research paper “A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning” Read More »

Iterative Policy Evaluation

Iterative Policy Evaluation for Estimating Value Function

Introduction In this tutorial, I am going to code the iterative policy evaluation algotithm from the book “Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Andrew Barto and Richard S. Sutton”. I am going to take psuedo code, image and examples from this text. The example I am taking for this tutorial is the gird world maze from Chapter …

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epsilong greedy algorithm rewards

Epsilon Greedy Algorithm in Bandit Problems

Introduction Bandit problems are the simplest possible reinforcement learning scenario. Here the bandit machine can have k arms and pulling each arm leaves the user a reward. One of the arms will be giving higher rewards in the long run and moreover this pattern could be changing over a time period. Think of the scenario …

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