linear regression

An Intuitive Explanation of Linear Regression

Linear regression is one of the algorithm machine learning enthusiasts start to learn first. In this article, l will walk you through the linear regression intuition. We will implement the basic form of it without using any machine learning packages. The main philosophy of supervised machine learning algorithms is to learn from data. The algorithms …

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Iterative Policy Evaluation

Iterative Policy Evaluation for Estimating Value Function

Introduction In this tutorial, I am going to code the iterative policy evaluation algotithm from the book “Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Andrew Barto and Richard S. Sutton”. I am going to take psuedo code, image and examples from this text. The example I am taking for this tutorial is the gird world maze from Chapter …

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discount factor dynamics

Discount Factor in Reinforcement Learning

This article shows two key visual intuitions behind the usage of a discount factor in reinforcement learning with image, code, and video. Introduction Most of the advances in science and technology happened in the last 100 years. We can see mind-boggling progress in automotive, medicine, communication, energy, etc. . Among these advances, some technologies shake …

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Automated PDF creation with Python and Latex

LaTeX Tutorial

This tutorial is on the typesetting language called LaTeX. LaTeX is useful when it comes to creating complex documents like thesis, project reports, research articles, etc. We will see the basic use-cases in around 22 examples. LaTeX Installation Instructions Windows In Windows, you need to install two programs called MiKTeX and TeXstudio. Please be careful to install …

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